Monday, March 8, 2010

Questions on Readings II

Wodiczko,K. - Critical Vehicles Questions

1) In america, we are in a situation where the vanquished are perceived as beginning to outnumber the victors. Do you agree with this sentiment? Justify your response.

2) Wodiczko states "[interrogative] design must not hesitate to respond to the needs that [should exists]". However, most often these needs are invisible. How does one design a project which addresses invisible needs?

3) Wodiczko talks about the superficial sameness which must be shaved away and a deeper, more fundamental sameness which defines us all as human. What do you think comprises this "deeper, more fundamental sameness"?

4) The avant garde is a constantly shifting notion, dependent on the times of the people who define the tradition; a tradition associated with taking the unconscious routines of people and breaking them in ways which inspire reflection. What traditions or perceptions in our life are so fimly established that breaking through art them would cause people to reflect on them, thus creating avant garde art? (essentially I am asking, what is avant garde art today?)

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