Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tawn's Trail

Tawn provided me with a list of clues to follow online. Her digital trail took me through Barack Obama's wiki page, the white house site, flickr, yahoo, Hana's personal site, and finally the Neighborhood Narratives site. The part I enjoyed most about the experience was the unexpectedness of it all. When you follow directions to a place you've never been too in real life, there is always a great sense of satisfaction in having navigated to your destination successfully. I didn't expect to have that feeling when I finished following the clues, but I did. Another thing that caught me off guard was how linked together everything was. Since I'm not a big blogger or tweeter I've never paid attention to "share this" links on websites before; now I'm beginning to see that they are everywhere. To tie this back to the idea of public space we discussed in our first class, I think that the more content we link together the greater "digital public space" becomes. There is no doubt that this digital public space links communities and people together who otherwise could not interact with one another, but at what cost to the individuals privacy and rights?

Tuesday Typology

Here are the pictures documenting my Tuesday. Frunescite (latin for enjoy)!

If you wish to view the album on flicker, you can do so here.

Home to Home

I gave Tawn the following instructions for our "follow the trail project":


I’ve devised a route from my academic home to my real home. Your starting spot is the Rutgers linguistics department on 18 Seminary Place and your destination is 218 Easton Ave. You goal is to reconstruct the trail I took using pictures I shot along the way. The pictures are numbered from 1 to 14 and follow the path I traveled. The subject of each picture is a location significant to my experience as an undergraduate here at Rutgers. By the end of this venture you will hopefully come to know me a little better because every picture contains a blurb on why each location is important to me. I intended for the route to be followed using google maps but if this proves to be too difficult, feel free to ask me for help or follow the route in real life.

Best of luck,


For anyone whose interested this is the path I took.